I totally get it – actually no, no I don’t

Sometimes the question literally doesn’t make sense. May as well be another language. Here’s what to do.

Raise your hand if you’ve ever read a tender question, instruction, or term/condition and thought to yourself: ‘Righto, I have literally no idea what that means’. 

*Everyone raises hand* Thought so. 

Pop quiz: What do you think the right thing to do in that situation is? 

A. Guess 

B. Ignore it, wait for it to magically go away 

C. Ask the client 

D. Assume and double down 

E. Google it 

Drumroll… the answer is “C. Ask the client”. 

There is absolutely nothing wrong with asking the client for clarification. No, this will not make you look stupid, in fact, in most cases, it is encouraged. Remember, buyers want your best submission, and this cannot happen unless you confidently understand the request. 

Now, don’t just jump on the blower – be sure to understand the tender instructions regarding submitting clarifications, there is usually a portal or specific communication channel you must use. 

Once you understand that, ask away! 

Happy bidding! 

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